The chilling consequences of greed, supernatural, wrath, and innocent mistakes... horror tales and yokai stories have been passed down orally to warn the Japanese people against overstepping their bounds in the realms of morality and the divine. Journey through the most powerful narratives that have captivated the Japanese people and shaped their worldview, each story enriched with cultural and historical insights by storyteller Kyota Ko.
The folktales included are:
六部殺し - The Murderer of Rokubu
歌い骸骨 - The Singing Skull
佐吉船 - Sakichi's Boat
飯降山 - Mount Iburi
古寺の化け物 - The Monster of the Weathered Temple
牡丹灯籠 - The Peony Lantern
加茂湖の主 - The Goddess of Lake Kamo
死神 - Death
猫山の話 - The Story of Neko-yama
牛方と山姥 - The Cowherd and the Yamamba
導き地蔵 - Michibiki Jizō
吉作落とし - Kissaku's Plunge
おいてけ掘 - Leave it at the Moat
羅生門の老婆の話 - The Tale of the Old Woman at Rajōmon
十六人谷 - Sixteen-men Valley
安珍清姫 - Anchin and Kiyo-hime
夜中のお弔い - The Funeral at Midnight
番町皿屋敷 - The Saucher Mansion at Banchō
百物語 - A Hundred Ghost Stories
三本枝のカミソリ狐 - The Razor Fox of Sanbon-eda
あの世の入り口 - The Entrance to the Underworld